Molana Ali Ibn Abi Talib (S.A) had the best up bringing as he grew up in the
house of non other than the Prophet Mohammed (saw). So you can imagine his
character and how good it was. Any of Imam Ali’s sayings would be of
great importance and inspiring to any generation of Muslims and even
The quotes by Molana Ali Ibn Abu Talib (S.A) are of high importance and should affect a person immediately and make us active in becoming better Muslims.

The quotes by Molana Ali Ibn Abu Talib (S.A) are of high importance and should affect a person immediately and make us active in becoming better Muslims.
Quotes By Molana Ali (S.A) about Life
- “The days of life pass away like clouds, so do good while you are alive.”
- “Of all the follies the greatest is to love the World.”
- “Opportunity is swift of flight but slow to return.”
- “The most happy is he to whom God has given a good wife.”
- “Do not sell your conscience for anything but heaven.”
His Sayings about Piety
- “Fear Allah (swt) and you will have no cause to fear anyone.”
- “Resignation to the Will of Allah (swt) is the cure of the heart.”
- “The word of Allah (swt) is the medicine of the heart.”
- “He who knows himself knows Allah.”
- “Patience is the fruit of faith.”
- “No shelter is safe than piety.”
- “A man’s behaviour is the index of his mind.”
- “Virtue never dies.”
- “Wealth and greed are the roots of all evils.”
- “Riches without faith are the greatest poverty.”
Quotes by
Molana Ali (S.A)
about Good Character and Knowledge
- “The disease of the heart is worse than the disease of the body.”
- “To fight against one’s desires is the greatest of all fights.”
- “The strongest amongst you is he who subdues his self.”
- “A man’s worth depends upon the nobility of his aspirations.”
- “Generosity hides shortcomings.”
- “The learned lives although he dies.”
- “The sum total of excellence is knowledge.”
- “To respect the learner is to respect Allah.”
- “Knowledge enlivens the soul.”
- “A man’s glory from his virtue is greater than the glory of his pedigree.”
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